About Kathy

I grew up in a small town in Iowa and read all the time as an escape from the doldrums of small-town living. My local librarian was astounded when I read 100 chapter books for the summer reading contest when I was nine. That year it was a particularly dull summer. My bags were packed for college by the time I was a freshman in high school. I was eager to explore the world.
My dream was to become a high school teacher, and although I loved teaching high school, the fact that I looked younger than my students was always problematic. Besides, younger children were more manageable and were definitely funnier. I went back to school and obtained my ECE and Elementary Degrees. Although I have taught children as young as three and as old as sixty-nine, my favorite group will always remain third graders.
Upon retiring, I decided to combine my love of education and the murder mystery genre and write books. The Karen Fowler series was created from a myriad of experiences and a vivid imagination.
When not writing, I spend time hanging out with my two adult daughters, traveling the world with my husband of 45 years, and chasing my elderly cat Sibelius around the house. In addition to reading, playing the piano, giving a few piano lessons, and ringing bells, I spend time pondering the process of downsizing my house.